The first thing i did was to call Jo to check up on her but she couldnt really talk coz she's on her way out to meet her customer.
I called Jo again on my way out, she sounded really ok and yeah, we spoke of how stubborn she can be. Once she decides on something, she wun care even if she koes its wrong or not beneficial on herself or anyone else and no one can change her mind until she herself suddenly realises she's just being difficult and den slowly softens. Otherwise, no matter how, no matter who speaks to her, nothing goes in and she'll only end up getting frustrated. haha.. but im glad she's fine. While speaking to her, i almost cried as well.
Turns out dat Jack couldnt get tickets for the movie 'The Fog' and so he got 4 tickets for Big Momma at night. At the same time, Meina texted to ask if i've got any programmes tonight so i got her to join us. But because Jack booked the tickets by fone, chances are its not possible to get another ticket dats seated together so i thought if anyone should sit that seperate seat, i'll gladly take the seat to have Meina join us for tonight.
Before heading to school, i went over to Chinatown's Tong Heng to buy egg tarts for my maid. He's been pretty nice these days and yes, today is his off day where i'm supposed to be nice to him. So i got him his favourite egg tarts...
of coz, i also got extra for seafoodies and rachel.
When i got to school, i waited for them to have their break. I was surprised dat Eekoon was in the lecture as well! haha.. she came to sit in with Elyn. I gave them an egg tart each... but Elyn doesnt like egg tart.. i think Rachel doesnt like them either.
Eekoon brought along a lomo camera.. and it so happens dat the colour of the camera matches her top today so well!
Doesnt she just look like the spokesperson for the camera? I think Eekoon is very stylo and cool!
We continued to sit outside the LT after the break.. everyone was just lazy to head in... Sonia even used her innocent and gentle tone to answer us " i dun want " when we asked if we should go in. Haha....
But today, we got surprised! The charming lecturer actually came out of the lecture to ask us to go back in... haha..
I realised i brought the wrong set of notes. I know, how terrible. And Eekoon was helping us copy notes on the board....
Because i had earlier told my maid dat we're all waiting for him, he took a cab down pretty early so when he arrived, i went out of lecture to pass him the egg tarts.....
Although its his day off, although i did say i will try to be nice to him, its not easy. So at times i do still show my temper and show him this look....
and this is him imitating how i look when i diao him....
den he asked me to pose thinking of the flowers he got me again. Just like how i posed the previous time at marche....
and den he said this is how he looks thinking about the egg tarts i got for him.....
After lesson ended, i was telling them i need to urgently pay my starhub bill, it was den i realised how i din koe my school. Haha. i never really realised we've got a SAM machine in school. While paying the bill, i realised i din haf enuff $ in my DBS bank a/c... how embarassing. miu~
After i paid my bills, together with Elyn and Eekoon, we headed to town. By right we were supposed to go meet up with Lea and Jack but because we had to buy some stuff, we left the two of them to continue their chats at Coffee Club.
When we got to town, Elyn and Eekoon went shopping and i got Elyn to go look for lil bee at his workplace to get the lights he got for her from Thailand.
Humbert and i first went over to get some finger food like Tori Q and crystal jade's carrot cake and bo luo bao.
After dat, we went over to Takashimaya because he said he wants to use the voucher he got for his bday to buy Jewel more dears (Jewel's favourite pink dolphin toy). He said he'll buy 100 of the dolphins for Jewel and confuse Jewel. haha.. his $50 vouche where got enuff for 100? lol.. also, there were only 3 pink dolphins left.
Over there, we saw the cute lil piggy in the korean drama serial Jin San Shun!
PS: Yunqi, u mentioned u were looking for this right? Its available at Takashimaya, the level where Mcdonalds and KFC is located.
I merely wanted to take a pic with the pig but he ended up buying me the pig as well to top up to $50.
In the end, using the $50 voucher, we bought....
3 pink dolphins for Jewel, a Jin San Shun piggie, a yellow duckie for himself and a white duckie for his girlfriend, Jack. Total added up to $50.40 cents...
Den i got him to go up to the cosmetics level with me because i got reminded of the Dior promotion dat Sorina told me yesterday!
Only $225, very worth it right? The pouch itself would probably be sold at duno how much already. I LIKE~ Recollecting that i still have $160 worth of Tangs voucher from dar dar, i got Humbert to accompany me walk over to Tangs to get it! Hee.. so happy. The products inside can be given to mummy summore! Mummy's birthday is coming i still duno wat to get her.
After we were done buying all the stuff, we walked over to Coffee Club to look for Jack and Lea. We were both so tired and complaining already. Haha. Our feet were aching and we were both feeling so upset dat the distance is too short for us to take a cab... hahahahaa....
When we got to Coffee Club, we were so disappointed to see Jack and Lea coming out from Coffee Club because the both of us badly wana take a seat! hahaha.... And den he passed Jack the duckie he got Jack....
Which Jack obviously wasnt very impressed. hahaha... We called Elyn and Eekoon asking if they wana join us for dinner at Newton. With their green light, we went to pick them up from Far East.
The food we ordered at Newton.....
Everything's about the same except dat super big tiger prawns. hee.. i've been wanting to try it. I like big big prawns! I also like haybe (pun intended for dar dar.. haha)! But i dun like those not big not small prawns. lol...
The super big tiger prawn was very nice but not cheap. One costs ard $24! Next time i save $ i will go eat at least 3 of it! muahahhaa...
and some pictures of us girls ......
and i cant remember after wat conversations, Jack jokingly teased dat Humbert has a hard life because of how i treat him... den i teasingly got pissed with Humbert saying since im making life so difficult for him den he should not talk to me anymore.... Who cares if its his off day~ Bleah~ I refused to speak to him after dat
Den when i was trying so hard to pick up some stingray, Humbert snatched my fish! I lagi dun want to tok to him.. even when he tried to get me some of the sting ray, I DUN WANT. =p
In the end, Elyn had to help him pass the fish to me. And because i cannot scold him, Elyn was my spokesperson for the day.... haha.. Elyn and Humbert also became like good friends, alot of things to say!
And Eekoon was also playing with her lomo camera...
dun u think she looks so stylo in this pic? lol
And i think Humbert took this shot of me and Lea and his 100 plus can drink.....
oh yeah, with the testimonial of Lea, we managed to upgrade my Olympus from Humbert to a Sony T9. Wahahahhaahaha~
Alex called and i think he was probably bored but he asked me to continue to have fun and i told him i'll try to call him if im home early.
After dinner, Jack dropped Elyn and Eekoon off at Plaza Singapura whereas we went over to Marina Square to meet up with Meina and we caught the movie Big Momma's House 2. My favourite in the show would be the lil kid Andrew. He's so cute.. i kinda adore lil children .. oki, minus off the parts where they start crying for unknown reasons. haha...
While watching the movie, realised dat W texted twice asking to meet up for drinks. We girls kinda find his textes real CKP ie. Chee Koh Pek.
After the movie, Meina said she was going off to meet Sorina for drinks at some ktv pub. The rest of us decided we'll go meet up with Elyn and Eekoon to head down to the PS Cafe dat Elyn has been raving about to us.
While walking to the car, Humbert was still trying to get me to talk to him.. so Lea and Jack were walking in the front and we were at the back. Later he said we should take pictures but everytime out pics turns out not nice... so along the way, we hid behind pillars and took one pic after another......
all not nice!
den walking to the carpark, saw this really big prawn picture on the wall... haha.. as im known as prawny within the seafoodies group, i got Humbert to help me take a picture of me and the picture...
haha.. oki, not nice also... ya, i koe its coz im not nice. haha
We picked Eekoon and Elyn up from Parkmall and they directed us to the PS cafe. Its somewhere near Ministry of Foreign affairs and British Council.... actual address is 28 B Harding Road. We took notice of the address because Meina called saying she and Sorina may wana join us but it was too hard for us to direct her in already because it is quite ulu a place.
But the place is totally beautiful! Its like someplace that came out from nowhere. From where we parked, we walked in through a trail of wooden planks with spotlights gently shining to lead us on along the way....
Upon reaching the place, it felt more like im visiting someone's house party more like a cafe.... and despite being located at such a ulu location, the place was bustling with life!
The interior of the place....
The place had an excellent setting and view. The decor gave the place a somewhat laidback yet classy style. Great music was playing in the background matching the ambience of the cafe.
For a great review of the place, click here. I'm so going back there because all we had for the night were drinks.....
From left: chocolate shake (Humbert, Elyn and Eekoon had that), cold chocolate (Lea had that), bloody berry (Jack drank that), Peach Fizz (i had that).
All the drinks were not too bad but reading the reviews, it appears they've got a fabulous dessert menu. I AM SO GOING BACK THERE!
Oh, actually, aside from drinks, we also had an eye candy. haha.. there was this server there, by name of Pierre, he was such a hot hot hunk!
hahhaa... picture doesnt do him credit in my view! Hes like some model material! We got his picture because because Humbert told him we're on some project looking out for good looking guys. >.< A lil unethical but it was too late to stop Humbert after he had already told it to Pierre. I thot even if by being honest, Pierre would most probably have obliged. haha..
and a picture of Humbert massaging Jack....
We stayed till the cafe closed. Operating hours are from 6.30 pm till around 1.30 am on weekends. Closed on mondays.
Jack sent us back. Humbert sent me upstairs and on our way up, he told me he had a very very very good day and hes sad dat a day is so short because after today, its his off day no more and dat means i dun hafta be nice to him! Yay!! =p
I texted Sorina and Meina when i got home checking on how they are. Apparently Michael went to join them. Exchanged a couple of smses with Meina.
The new korean drama after Jin San Shun isnt my cuppa tea at all. It looks like those super sad kinda drama... i dun like!
After i bathed and all, i was so tired i fell right asleep!
Oh ya, to my maid, im waiting for ur blog entry oki. *diao you*