statue asked the master out for a 'dinner date' today after we didnt manage to meet the other night.
we were supposed to meet around 6.30 pm but i was slacking away at home... engrossed in my pets society and restaurant city ;p.. as crabby has put it, im now the nanny of her baby. haha... poor statue had to wait for me for about an hour plus.. hehe.. n he still did come to pick me up from my place.
statue had wanted to bring me to niang dou fu place @ katong but i wasnt into that. so we went back to our lao di fang! Bak chor mee!
i wasnt very hungry so i went for the wanton soup ....
i love their wanton. their fillings had some fried fish thingy dat makes it really good.
statue and his bak chor mee...
haha.. statue says it looks ugly. where got?
statue treated, thank cute!
after dinner, we were deciding on where to go. i told him i'm quite beery these days... we thought about it and decided to head over to naumi, the hotel lounge he told me about previously. the place is really nice! very comfy and cozy!
statue and me...
i was telling statue, my attire totally just matched the colour concept of the place!
and i was wearing the necklace from jeffrey.....
i love it! its so pretty n so me. couldnt help but send him a text to thank him again.
the decoration on the table....
the interior of the place...
Statue deciding what to have...
our drinks!
our drinks again!
i love the pictures i took!
Naumi... your personal luxury hotel...
statue's kar mor.... haha
the ceiling....
statue looking 'sexy' .. haha
me looking high!
the entrance...
after our drinks, statue agreed to bring me to marina barrage.. even though we kinda went a few wrong turns.. even when i told him to give up and let's just go back home, he didnt give up. but he was so cheeky! as we passed by some dormitory / hostel looking place, i think it reminded me of some pictures dat eugene showed me of the barrage previously. statue just stopped his car and pretended like he was gonna head down the car and he told me dat was the barrage. i was looking at the building and feeling puzzled... it didnt dawn on me to get down simply because he was parking by the road! den he said to me.. " u are quite smart huh? tell u its here but u still die die dun want to get down "
nyahahhaa.. actually its more of coz i felt dat dat didnt look like a carpark! haha
and finally we were there! we got there around 11 odd.. surprisingly despite it being so late, there was still lotsa people around!
the place was really very nice... lotsa families of people and of course, lotsa couples.
statue kinda told me dat the water level on the 2 sides are different.. duno.. can't remember. heh
some fountain area but the fountain was already closed :( and statue said he has been here a couple of times already... i feel so sua ku!
den as we walked past a statue, i took a look and i luffed.. and den he seemed to haf seen it too... so i went.. " statuuuuuuueeeee... " and he looked at me and luffed... " no no, i dun want "... hahaha..
and i went... " statuuuuuuueeee.... "
nyahahhaaha.. yes, i win! this statue does look a bit like the statue at UOB which won statue his nick! haha
the fountain dat was off....
overlooks the flyer!
statue helped me take a picture....
statue said it looks like there is a halo over my head. haha
as we walked back, i saw a photographer taking a picture of that statue...
thank cute for tonight statue.