was telling joelle about my teochew porridge craze and the teochew porridge place jiamiao was telling me about and joelle said she knows where it is and she brought me there!
so many taxi drivers
makan here! confirm is good!

its called Ye Shanghai....

located somewhere along henderson road (i think)...
i am craving for some good pig liver! and of coz i want my cai por egg... we randomly chose a few other dishes...

it turned out to be only $8!! SO CHEAP!! thats about $4 per person! and the best part is, it is quite yummy!!
after work, i headed over to Orchard Central to collect my table at Medz for Lydia's surprise birthday party.
also collected the cupcakes i customised for lydia....

her long time absolute favourite facebook game.
i sourced around a bit. most of the customised cakes these days are very very costly and the worst thing is, there is no assurance that the cakes actually taste as good as it looks. its quite a sad case to have guest rave over pretty cakes but the cake actually dont taste good.
the other day at Quinton's birthday party, May introduced me to Jincakes.
after trying Quinton's birthday cake, at least i think its fairly decent in taste and i appreciate her reasonable pricing. I think she gave the most reasonable pricing amongst the different quotations i got. She is also very friendly and did delivery over to Orchard Central for me. Thank you Jiaxin!

Saphy was the first to arrive after myself...

and i still had much work...

gradually more and more people arrived....

all waiting in anticipation of the birthday girl. i planned this birthday about two months in advance securing the ocbc colleagues, our jc mates, her secondary school mates, her university mates etc.
for a party of such scales, its actually good to do it at a venue where everyone's bill is separate.. marche was one of my choice mainly because its more well known...but it was pretty ridiculous that they gave a regulation that each guest must purchase a $30 voucher upon arrival. I do really think its ridiculous to have such a mandate. Not everyone will eat up to such an amount.
marche also insisted i cannot bring my own cake. Which i highly doubt they are about to customise a pet society theme cake for me!
anyway, i called Medz and they were really nice about it when they knew its a surprise birthday party. they agreed to reserve about 30 seats for me and allowed me to bring my own customised cake. aside from that, i must say service from them for the rest of the night has been good.
got everyone to start eating first because birthday girl is held up from work.
high recommended that salt roast beef to everyone...

i was too occupied to really eat so these were some of the food the rest ordered.
lea's bowl of mushrooms...

mashed potato....

another one of my favourites of Medz.
saphy and her turkish food..


lea's cod fish...

kaizhi passed me the bear scarf she got me from her guangzhou trip! this is a scarf which i saw in hk but didnt buy but kept thinking about it. kaizhi saw it and get it for me (warms the heart)! although its a different colour but i like it!

my sweetest nicest boss ever, Shida came all the way from home even after she got home from work to help her girls with their exams. this is why shida is so endearing as a boss!

and then, we got news that lydia has arrived at the carpark!

and there is the star for tonight!

and as she saw me flashing the camera....

den i directed her to the three tables of people....

and jiet explained why she placed lydia on branch duty today...

we also made arrangements for xiaoqi to steal a dress of hers because knowing that she was on branch duty today, she will definitely come in her branch duty and without make up and all... and i also got lea to bring flasies while i brought my makeup to do up the star of tonight!