today is also our seafoodies july 2008 gathering! we are going to Rogues!
46 Market Street
Market Street Car Park
Singapore 048945
Tel: 65570040
always pass by this place and find it very appealing! I pointed it out to fishy and she was enticed as well.
the interior of the place....
by the time crabby, clammy and myself got there, we were really late. I can just go on and on about how busy i am but i shall not. haha.. so so so sorry for the wait!
the place by night is like a restaurant cum bar thingy. its kinda funny to us how come the executive ang mohs all like to stand outside the restaurant to chat and drink. no seats, just tall tables and they stood there for as long as we sat inside for dinner, chats and all. next time i also want to open bars like dat. no need chairs, just lotsa tall tables .. also no need to pay for aircon... operation costs so low! haha
but the whole feel of this place reminds me of perth and makes me miss it so so much! i wana go back!
and in fact, crabby just came back from her Perth trip and she got us some candies and chocolates from Darrell Lea...
yummy! its mine loh! but they keep eating and eating.. and eating.. haha.. ok, actually not mine, i just happily self declare its mine coz i don't want the starburst gummies and im a meanie, i don't allow them to eat more den 1. haha
ok, surprise time!
first surprise, squiddy permed her hair!!
Was quite funny when we were chatting on msn on sunday and squiddy said she has a surprise for me when we meet and immediately i told her i haf a surprise for her too! but she couldnt wait to contain her surprise...erm.. ok, more like i couldnt wait to let her keep me in suspense so i forced her to tell me what her surprise is. haha... anyway, she looks good in the hair... not a very substantial difference coz her original hair already has very nice big locks.
den its my surprise... of coz i refused to tell her on sunday. i actually bought all the seafoodies i found in ikea on sunday for them. I placed them all in a TCC paperbag and carefully sealed it up! Stupid fish and clam, when i told them got surprise and pointed to them that its inside the bag, they gave me a sianz jit pua look and said.. " huh.. u bought some cake or pastry is it? "
TMD.. even if its cake or pastry, its also bought wif money oki! summore its the thot that counts!
so anyway, surprise!
crab for crabby....
fish for fishy....
fishy kish kish smelly....
and 'squid' for squiddy....
squiddy corrected us once again that this creature is OCTOPUS, not squid. this is like her duno how many times correcting us...
lesson for today.....
and if u noticed or recall, i didnt manage to find any clam @ ikea. i was prepared to come w/o a clam... anyway i didnt find any prawny too... but i think n think n i think! i recalled there is a chocolate in clam shape one!
hehe.. so clammy got surprise too!!!
clam chocolates!
da jia kai xin!
We ordered 4 mains and shared...
some steak pie thingy....
it was not too bad... quite salty though. the beef cubes were average but the mashed potato that came with it was pretty superb.
mushroom risotto....
hee hee hee.. i loved it! coz its got a certain blue cheese taste. aside from crabby, the rest hated the strong blue cheese taste so... *evil laughter* i got to finish most of it! ngiak ngiak ngiak....
lobster pasta....
smelly and fishy found the lobster... haha.. smelly! haha.. smelly said the lobster had a amnonia taste which i didnt detect. i found the lobster ok. the pasta tasted like some zz char stall's fried bee hoon though.
their beef burger....
it looks good but didnt taste extraordinary. in fact the patty seemed to be a little dry. it looks better den it tastes.
smelly treated for the meal, thank cute! he said credits to be given to fishy though, everyone, thank cute fishy! haha
Statue came over with a friend of his (Steven) to join us...
Steven seems like a pretty nice guy to chat with and freaking rich. hahaha! we kept teasing him for being rich. haha
it was a good time catching up with the seafoodies again. i feel like i've been so busy i've not had time to catch up with them much.
our group pictures..... we found Rogues too glam for us to do our tak glam self taken shots so we left for a secluded dark spot....
den just as we were perfecting a nice good pic for our monthly gathering, some group of people came in and we decided to walk out from that spot..
just as we were thinking of where to go and whether to continue etc.. u know, the usual when u put 5 women together, everywhere anything also can talk and just stop one. so anyway, first was to tell them how clammy looks major cute in her jap-o dress today and immediately clammy did a act cute pose....
den fishy who was also wearing a dress said she also can....
so they decided to do it together....
den crabby who was also in a dress also dun wana su seh....
den me and squiddy were in pants.... but our pic damn ugly... coz we did a stern corporate look. haha.. not showing u!
but they said squiddy looks so sophisticated and refined so decided to take one of her alone but she turned vulgar...
den den.. back to our monthly pics, seafoodies officially have a new terminology again!
it all started when clammy took up the camera while we were busy chatting away and tried to do a fish of herself and somehow the rest of us all seem to haf our radar on the camera and very automatically, we all squeezed and posed....
and the picture turned out quite nice!
Doing a fish - v.
To secretly take a picture of oneself using someone else's camera without informing and surprising the owner with he/she uploads the photos
Doing a prawn - v.
To secretly take pictures of unsuspecting or suspecting victims and post them on her blog to surprise them
This action involves more than one person. To secretly hold up the camera attempting to do a fish only to find a couple more ever ready and over enthusiastic seafood squeezing into the picture.
and naturally, we started to do a lot of clams....
it was quite funny.
clammy was very tired so she left first to head home to sleep.
fishy as usual, did her fishes.. i found all these pictures after i uploaded them onto my pc....
She got squid to do fishes wif her also....
and while we were sitting around chatting, fishy did her cute stunts again....
and we noticed there were 4 posters on the wall and we tried to get fishy to do all the poses of the poster girls....
another one but duno how come steven got into the picture... his pose also very funny!!
den den den.. the peak of the night came. crabby suddenly said to us.. " omg, look at the posters! its us! prawny u see! that one is my hair, this one is your hair, squiddy's hair and that is fishy! "
and true enuff, she was right and ... muahaha.. i duno if she regretted sharing her observation because immediately, we got into Plan Poster Girls. hahahahhaa
crabby started first coz hers was the first poster... but coz the poster girl was wearing a jump suit like string and pulling along, she had to find something to string along and den!!! squiddy took out her octopus and.....
HAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAH!! and crabby looks like she has got stiff neck!! hahahahahha!!
not sexy enuff!
den fishy's failed attempts....
my failed attempts are too ugly, i dun want to show u! hahahaha
squiddy's one was the only one dat is one and done!
and finally.......
and with a bit of editing...
we had a lot a lot of fun doing it. we were luffing like crazy ... it was really funny! hahahaha...
at the end of the night, statue sent me and squid back. thank cute!
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