so when huanliang texted to say he wants to get wasted this weekend, i said ok, lets go st james.
but when michelle texted to ask me.. " where are u gg tonight? clubbing? " and when kendi texted to say.. " the guys are going out with andy tonight, should we do something for michelle " .. den i realised im double booked!
but fear not, ai zai!
i decided that since michelle already thinks i didnt make plans for her hens night. we'd just let her be disappointed for a wee bit while. From home, i grabbed the tiara that i bought a long while back (coz i hiao) but never had a chance to use it.
kendi helped me to gather the other girls and we arranged to do up some kind of surprise for her. Jiamiao picked me up from home and we headed over to vivo together. with only the tiara as props, somehow it feels insufficient so i roped jiamiao to head to the Giant together to see if we can grab anything else.
we saw aprons and quick thinking on our part helped to come up with desperate measures....
and something more fanciful for her to hold....
we met up with michelle and we had to cook up lotsa story to explain why we took so long coz michelle was actually early at vivo. we even had to cook up stories to tell her why jiamiao doesnt want to keep her bag in the locker. haha
we met up with yunping, xiaoqi, huanliang and one of his gf at st james. we had to wait for kendi and icy to come before we could begin with the surprise!
so meanwhile, it was boring.. everyone was just standing around.
jiamiao and mich...
yunping, huanliang's date and huanliang....
funny how he brought a date along when he wants to get wasted. and he refused to tell any of us why he was upset.
but i was happy to see yunping!
this sweet girl got me a pair of earrings!very pretty with a very big diamante!
aaron also came, aaron and yunping...
myself and aaron...
me and the hen...
so you see kendi, everyone was so bored waiting for u to come over before we can GET THE PARTY STARTED!
and when kendi arrived, both jiamiao and me made excuses to go to the toilet, go fetch kendi etc and we got the gears!
how do you like the zao xing we did up for her? cool right?
with her jie meis....
jiamiao paid for most of the other items. we bought the big lolli from mini toons and thats when ideas started coming in on how to tease michelle.....
first task was to get her to find 6 guys to lick the lollipop with her...
i was nice, i offered her my friends....
she completed her task 1 quite effortlessly! i told her to tell each guy that they are the first lest the guys think its gross to lick after others (which it is! haha)...
with huanliang...
she did get rejected also...
we shifted from dragonfly over to Movida to look for more potential candidates...
oopz.. not forgetting a nice group shot of us!
some table at Movida...
rejected by another guy...
decided to force the server to help her!
seriously, i think michelle was having fun! hahahha
den she found a table of guys who happened to be celebrating birthday and they were really onz about sabo-ing each other about it..
den the 2nd task we gave her was to get 6 people to buy her drinks... which was even easier!
people were generally very spontaneous and happy to do so. in fact, they were very generous with the alcohol! all gave very thick concoctions!
this table of ladies in particular gave her more den half a glass of johnny walker!
michelle damn sat.. this table was a table of foreigners who didnt really understand english, she also can!
and another table of guys...
turned out that one of them was carol's friend whom i have met much before but i forgot.
and this table with this lady who was very nice to help us get michelle up the stage later!
and with the completion of task 2, michelle was almost there!
i was so worried that she might not be able to make it up the stage later!
the drunken mich insisted on pulling icy to take a picture wif her... haha..
task 3 went very well wif her going up the stage. thats to do dirty dancing with 3 men!
guy 1: Ron (whom we later befriended)
guy 2: singer on the stage!
for other videos, refer to my fb!
some pictures of her up on stage...
guy 3: Aaron!
mich left earlier coz she was almost gone and she was to head to malacca for a trip later in the morning! haha
yunping and me..
poor husband of yunping end up had to open a bottle coz huanliang kept asking. i thot it shld be huanliang to open since he was the one who wanted to get wasted.
check out these really hot thai babes i befriended as well...
and because tiara was on me, this guy thot its my birthday. he is from UK!
and his friends (alcohol really stings my memory.. i cant remember their names already. haha)
its ok! as long as we have fun!
and see, so funny!
nico and joe.... joe came over from HK from the F1...
long time friends!
den as andy got drunk and was sent home, the guys came to join us.....
(told u our hens night is more happening den the guy's bachelor's night!) hahaha...
loh gong zai hasnt stepped into dragonfly for a long time!
loh gong zai and ah poh the bouncer...
fishtank acting cute!
yunping n hubby went home earlier. huanliang and his date were still around...
we wonder if huanliang got lucky that night. haha.
i like dancing with fishtank! fun!
kendi and me!
kendi and fishtank and duno wats up wif his funny moves...
with the tiara on me, fishtank asked me whens my hens night and i turned to loh gong zai and asked him.. " so whens our wedding? "
loh gong zai replied me and said.. " we are already married! "... hmm.. dats true!
but my loh gong zai has another woman...
den it was more drinking.. gerald and nico also came to join us.
deanie wanted me to play 5 - 10 with nico and if i lose, deanie will drink ..
deanie was also high already. he kept looking at me and giving me that 'how-you-have-changed-from-last-time' look. hahaha
by around 4 plus, we decided to leave and we went for supper!! i have been craving for wan tou shek's dim sum!
super yummy! love ALL the dishes!! yay! feels so satisfied!!
and to michelle, i hope u had a smashing hen's night! haha..