too many changes, some levels of inconsideration but cushioned with love so no grudges, no hian toh. haha
we did dinner at Ah Wok as recommended by crabby!
squiddy was posing by it when we saw it wrote.. " hao chi, bu gui, hao pin wei " ... like some tv advertisement slogan! haha
i was already not hungry by the time i got there so i just shared wat squiddy ordered.
squiddy ordered a beef kway teow...
gotta say, the kway teow was really very good. its got that very fragrant stir fried taste. the beef was ok.
clammy came and she ordered the haybe hiam sweet potato leaves...
also quite yum!
and fried tofu ....
this is so darn good!
the cai por is very good and the tofu is very smooth!
i ordered a yam paste...
took damn long for them to steam it. wasnt fantastic coz it was quite thick.
squiddy looking pretty!
and the birthday clammy doing a fish when she arrived....
another one...
clammy and me...
and finally, one by one they arrived...
relatively candid shots of moi...
fishy n crabby did a fish...
and i did a prehhh that was supposed to be done a long while back!
its a care bears prehhh...
we got one each!
pretty pretty!
squiddy placed hers in her bag again.. its like a home for the bear...
mine has a branded home!
and the blue one is lonely coz the owner was out for smoke....
and den we began all the silly poses wif care bears!
only the clammy one will smoke...
and den how we would usually pose for our group pics.....
the seafoodies!
notice our positioning usually around there, fish n clam in front, i must be in the middle so they can block me a bit...
and this is doing a clam!
and fishy doing a fish!
squiddy's signature pose!
we took this in batam!
crabby's signature bangs...
fishy did a spunky hairstyle for her carebear...
and i duno wat fishy said or did to crabby, suddenly out of the blue, we heard crabby say to fishy in a damn smug and bitchy tone.. " my carebear has 6 hearts on it! Yours have? "
so zuai!
kiss kiss! clammy stole my first kiss wif a lady....
and den the 3 silly ones tried to psycho me to place my carebear into the hole inside my top... they tried to 'set an example'....
DEN! clammy came wif two frenz.. so i didnt do it! haha..
den it was dragonfly!
YD came along as well...
monkey as well!
some guy fren of clammy...
and den the trio were so boring, sitting there looking bored... (but pretty)
so we cam whored a bit...
me and YD..
YD and his friend...
and more drinks...
monkey and me...
and den, after some drinks, it was happening!
her besties got clammy a cake. which did cross our minds too. haha
fishy did the darnest thing. she said to me.. " I need to go home because tomorrow got to work! " den right immediately she started dancing away. i didnt catch it but squiddy did. hilarious!
was so in the mood to club but they wanted to leave early so we did. tawi gave us a ride back. But im sure clammy had a fabulous time!
The seafoodies!
let's stay close!
i got us carebears for us to constantly care for each other. its very crucial in frenship and any other r/s. =)
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