this year, daddy and mummy let me sleep till shiok shiok instead of waking me up early in the morning.
i woke up with only niki and myself at home and she had an ang pow attached around her neck....
so cute!!
so i went ahead to bath and prepare. i pulled out that cheong sam that i bought months ago but tahan tahan not to wear till today....
happy CNY everyone!
den the relatives started coming by and we took group pictures!
letting boy boy try on the doggie costumes too....
oh n my dad, he has like a new CNY greeting almost every 5 mins and he will forward the clips and pictures etc to me... den he will also forward to mummy.. den mummy will forward to me again. hahaha..
lotus roots prepared to be cooked on the 3rd day of CNY upon request of fishy...
my cousin ming feng with niki..
beautiful ang pow design from tiffany! given by mummy!
our master chef at home...
mummy knows i like steamboat .. especially the ones prepared by her so she always gets steamboat for me for CNY...
and instead of the morning/noon visit to jim poh's house, it eventually was almost evening when we headed over.
and i also tahan tahan and saved the ferragamo shoe for today...
thank you to secret santa despite whatever.. whatever.
ah yee and my cute lil cousin!
my favourite!!
my parents playing with bryan...
jim poh's cny meal...
aunt nana came for mj!
mj result was good! i started the game and i lian zhuang for 5 times! hahaha.. net win $37!
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