Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Easter which my parents were made to eat loads of tang hoon!

i have been missing the cupcakes from Fluff Bakery and since i was home really late last night, i thought i could just stay up and head over to grab the cupcakes before coming home to sleep more. But in the end i did fall asleep till Ali texted me around 8 plus and actually offered to help me grab them.

But i later realised i still had to stay away coz i had to wait for them so i went on to the supermarket to shop and decided to cook vermicelli today!

and Ali got me the cupcakes i wanted....         

there's salted caramel, creme brulee and red velvet....

the creme brulee...

the crazy awesome red velvet with nutella centre!!!!!

it is really crazy good! the cupcake is moist and omg.. with the nutella it is just divine!

i love these easter cupcakes!

and for my vermicelli, i am going to cook them using seafoodies! 

and i end up cooking different styles!

the chinese, korean and rojak style all very nice! the cream sauce was ok but not as good.

and my parents had to help me finish. haha.. tang hoon overload!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Alex's Birthday Celebration @ The Cufflink Club w/o Alex!

arranged to meet up with ber and crabby at The Cufflink Club tonight for drinks. it was also Alex's birthday but i was too late and the birthday boy was already drunk and left by the time i arrived.

I really miss that particular drink (can't remember the name, think its some shopaholic or something)...

and because i was so late, they had already ordered it for me when i arrived...

ber with her beer!

whose notti finger???

crabby with her cocktail...

and jess, ber's cousin...

with Joel!

and after one drink, they rushed me over to Dolly...

dar and kendi were there with Shannen and Joleen too!

but i left very shortly after coz the fairy god friend came over to pick me up for supper...

before supper, he first satisfied my starbucks craving...

it was a long supper route.. coz initially we couldnt decide where to go.. i suggested airport but on the way there, he said carls junior.. over to carls junior, air con was down so we headed to 126!

dim sum!!

standards have dropped drastically. the crab meat chee cheong fan used to be filled with crab meat but now u can bearly taste the crab meat. even the steamed beancurd skin with prawns, so skinny now. :(

but the chrysanthemum drink was still good!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Bear * Squirrel & JunieS went for Laksa Steamboat

bumped into my littlest cousin before i headed to work...          

after work, i met up with Saphy, Sharon and June for dinner. They wanted to go for laksa steamboat! located along upper serangoon road..

the soup base...

create your own sauce...

queuing up for their turn!

the food!

their fried chicken wings are pretty good! aside from steamboat items, they also have fried platter of stuff. the beancurd skin is good and goes well with the laksa soup!

overall it was a nice meal.

after dinner, we walked over to the nearby The Factory for icecream...

but after tasting, the ice cream was not good. but i did get some cherries that will come in handy for the marketing god's birthday celebration!