Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Very Special Arts 2013 Term 2 Week 6

another day at VSA! joanne reminded me that tml is PH and so we're also playing mj after the lesson!

the kids were told to draw their favourite animal today...

joanne was tasked to try to do origami and teach them to the kids ....

glad to see faith doing very well on colour pencils!

joanne dropped me home to let me do a change of clothes before heading over to her place and she met niki for the first time!

mj was with her friend and we found a cute kitty frames so we began to cam whore with it!

mj at joanne's place wang wo! i won again! haha

Monday, April 29, 2013

Ryoshi Sushi with Deanie, Jiamiao & Kendi

Met up with ali for lunch and to also pass him some little things i got him from Sydney.

He brought me for Yong Tau Foo over at this place called Bagus...

276A Changi Road...      

the different soup base...

it was pretty good.. his tom yam soup with rice was not bad too..

a nice little note book from him..

anyway, i super love this lemon soda called Lift!

only managed to get one bottle back from Sydney :(

its really super good!

for dinner, arranged to meet up with Jiamiao, Deanie and Kendi over at Liang Court. We went to Ryoshi Sushi...

the selection...

their sushi are really good. feels very fresh and very authentic japanese style. like the crab and crab miso and theres one fish which i think is called the fluke, very awesome! the texture is a little bouncy! yummy!

salt ice cream...


the mochi is very good. soft!

after dinner, we rushed off to toilet. as we were inside, kendi said she made deanie stand and monitor that last salad that was left on the shelves of Medi-ya.

when we came out, deanie was not standing at the salad section and kendi was about to 'scold' him and there was deanie, holding onto her salad....

and it was quite funny when deanie said.. " u mean must stand there and watch it meh? "


we had a fun time!!