Saturday, February 23, 2019

Meet Pudding

she arrived at Bunny's house on Thursday. Puny little one, 4 months old and Bunny named her Pudding coz she's a Yorkshire - Yorkshire pudding. She named her even before she got consent to bring her home -.-

Honestly, after Niki, I'm not sure if I'm ready. Don't want to go through it again.

But i did keep going to view.. like i just want to go through the process of it and somehow i think i got bunny attracted to Pudding. She really likes Pudding, heading back to view her about 3x.

The whole drill of pee training takes place, entirely on Bunny of course.

To more adventures with Pudding. 

what hashtag ah? #puddingseow? #seowpudding? suggestions?

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