arranged to meet up with Jacie, anna and carol to catch up over lunch. Decided to do lunch at Eden because after i uploaded the pics on fb the last time, anna was keen to check out Eden as well.
Carol and myself were keen to order the lemongrass tea which clement let us sample previous and it was nice... but sadly it was out.
carol went for a (ok, i cannot remember the name of the drink she ordered, some elderflower drink or something)...
this is really nice! its got soda as well. pretty good.
clement offered to make me something not on the menu coz the lemongrass tea was out....
its some promegrande tea .. a little sour. its not bad but i prefer carol's one.
jacie and anna went for the set lunch. today's set lunch is quite nice!
didnt try the soup but the chicken was not bad. the dessert was longan red date jello and it was really good! all 4 of us liked it!
but at the point of this jello, one of the staff totally got carol mad that she said she's never coming back here despite how she likes the food. it was the last straw for her. first straw was when we requested for a change of water coz jacie felt the container looked a little musky but we were told its just water added on or something. then it was when we requested for a different angle when we requested for a group pic. food today took very long to arrive (about 45 mins). finally was when she went to request for two extra spoons to share the jello, the server gave her a 'you-are-so-troublesome' look. she almost wanted to bar me from coming too! haha
but since this is a one off incident for me, i would think i will not rule this place off. and maybe like clement said, they were at work since 6am today so probably it was a tiring day for him and the staffs. Yet, as a customer, i don't appreciate the negativity being rubbed on us because we are patrons after all. We are there to enjoy a good meal.
back to food, finally today clement has salmon for me to order my saffron cream salmon with portobello. i've been missing it! and the past few times i came back for it, they didnt have salmon available. and because carol has tried it as well, she was also eager to order the same item!
sadly, the portobello mushroom size has strinked compared to the last time we had it. Also, the salmon's doneness was a little different today compared to the past. it is slightly more done compared to the past where it is just right. the inside is still semi raw..
but overall, i must say the dish is still nice and still something i will crave for. the saffron cream is yummy!
and finally, we ordered the hibiscus filo pastry....
this is AMAZING!!
its very good! still as good as ever. the pastry is the best! Salivating whilst i am blogging about it!
it was nice catching up on each other's lives and all.
we agreed to make another date for next month, vintage high tea at Barracks! Looking forward!
also managed to catch up with sonia and lydia for a short while.
after work, i arranged to meet up with wendy for dinner. after thinking about awhile, i recall i've been meaning to try the lobster porridge at long xia shi jia...
it was very quiet for dinner. only 3 tables. highly suspect they may close down in some time =p
they were having one for one for the lobster porridge (according to wendy, they forever have one for one).
the live lobsters!
their signature dish...
the stock was ok. the porridge was not bad. the lobster was nice. decent portion. with the one on one, price per bowl is acceptable i guess.
their lotus roots with salted egg is really nice!
pretty addictive! makes you want to keep going for more! its crispy, slightly sweet and with the salted egg texture. nice!
i shopped around a bit while waiting for wendy earlier. i was thinking about my upcoming training and i thought hmm... i should bring along a pen. as in a normal pen (nothing fancy). but will it be very lak seh if i use a normal pilot pen (although i think i will much enjoy writing on the normal pilot pen than a mont blanc.. hahaha).. so i thought, for beauty sake, should i buy a swarovski pen? the white one seems nice.. but to spend $70 - $80 dollars on a pen now just doesnt go with my current spending pattern.
so anyway, i walked into a shop and i saw that pen that i bought previously from serangoon! i bought the very last piece the last time and when i posted on fb, many of my gf loved it!
so happily, i grabbed and bought many pieces to be given to my gfs....
total damage: $70 plus!!
can't believe i can't bear to spend $70 odd on a decent pen for myself but i just spent $70 odd on many pens simply coz i think my gfs will like them!
i love it also! haha..
i also think this one if i bring for training not lak seh! hahaha
and i think i will write better using this than a mont blanc or even swaroski pen!
after dinner, wendy asked if i want to join her to meet dawn at a ktv pub. so we went. luckily, im on leave tml.. coz as usual, wendy's 'we-leave-before-midnight' went into extension! haha
but i had a good time. sang many many songs! happy! and her friends are all as happening as her!
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